
November Retrospective

November will be remembered as the month I was able to get selective focus, desired DoF (mostly), and bokeh. Finally.

Straddling the Seasons

...in my neighbor's yard.






On the Ledge


Above the Waiting

In line for last night's Paramore concert.


Take Me Home

From yesterday, around 6 pm, driving home from Thanksgiving dinner.





At Boogieman's suggestion, I played around with the Apple in Stall shot, and desaturated everything but the rope and apple. Visually, I like it alot, since it really showcases the sidelighting and the color. However, I still like the mood of the original better, imagining a horse peaking out at the little bit of color beyond his window, and playing with his toy apple. (Although I'm told that most horses don't really play with them anyway.)


Another picture from the eye exam, and story to go with it, on my main blog. (Don't worry, it's nothing icky, in fact, it's sweet.)


Better to be Early than Late

This ornament hung on our door last Christmas, and there it remained through the dead of winter to the thaw of spring, and even the dog days of summer. Some time this summer, daughter got the idea to hang it where the flower baskets normally go, and there it remains.


Woodsy Morning

My two faves, from Saturday Morning Solitude, which can be viewed in its entirety, if you are so inclined.



An entire series with the new camera, First Barn Shoot, on my main blog.


First Shot with New Camera

OK, it's really the second, and I have no idea what setting it was even on, but I love it.

I can't wait to shoot more.
On my main blog, Powerful Cows.

We Got Yellow, Too


We Got Red

I guess I was just talking out my rear end (yeah, I do that) a couple of weeks ago, when on my main blog, I said that the reds were not as good this year as last.

I just needed to show some patience.



And just so you know that I didn't take a picture of a different section of the column that was already peeled, here is the evidence of my sacrificial vandalism.

Peace to all the peelers out there.


For those of you wondering what the heck I'm doing with all this peeling, look at the comments on Peeled. Perhaps some of you are fellow *peelers* and are experiencing the same strong feelings. :-)

I probably could have gotten a better shot, but since I had just committed and act of vandalism for all you peelers out there, I was in a hurry. Oh, and once I started peeling, it peeled well beyond the area of the initial photo. I'm sure to be arrested any minute now....



I pushed the button, just this morning, and ordered our new camera!

I say our, as it is joint ownership with Boogieman, but possession being nine-tenths of the law, I suspect it will be mostly mine. :-) Our budget was larger than originally anticipated, and we were able to get the Canon 40D with 28-135mm lens.

A shout out to Jeff for all his help and advice in making the selection.

Photos of the new baby will be forthcoming upon arrival.




Music Lesson Hallway #2

I continue to be fascinated with the patterns of the tile floor at music lessons, besides it gives me something to do while waiting. I've even tried to shoot the reflection of the floor in the vending machine, but I couldn't get a good shot.

Post-processing this one, I selectively desaturated random parts and then then posterized. I find it kind of cool.





Here's a better effort on the horse show pics. Sorry for that lame entry last night. I'm trying to keep my head in the 365 game, we're in the fourth quarter!

Monday Monday, can't trust that day...

HT: Julie, for the lyric on my facebook wall.


Horse Show

This is not the best picture ever, but it does show my girl in action, and is the best I could muster today. Sorry to be whiny, but I don't think I've ever felt less like posting a picture for this project than I do today. This is requiring some serious stamina!

p.s. This was after a fall, and she got right back on and finished the course. Points for that!


Extra: Scrabulous Game Face

I've been playing so much scrabulous that I had to have this one in the 365 record. :)

Saturday Morning Sky - 9 AM


A Series: Fall in the Hood

Please permit me this indulgence.


Last Man Standing:

Slow Through the Sunbeams:

Under the Dogwood:


What 44 looks like

I officially can't live without these. Today, I bought myself a nice beaded chain to keep them around my neck. Acceptance is good.