

Whatever happened to that "i before e, except after c" rule? Good thing I checked dictionary.com before I posted, right Sentient?


Sandy said...

Groovy! Is this a photoshop effect - inquiring minds want to know. Very pretty color combos.

Ampersand said...

It's actually a picture taken through my kaleidoscope and then "posterized" in photoshop.

Sandie said...

Cool picture! Now about that spelling rule, it only applies to English words and this one is German (I think) and the German rule says spell them the opposite way you say them (second one says its name). That is why spelling will always be an abstract concept way beyond my grasp...give me numbers any day!

Sharon said...

Cool, it almost looks spherical. I thought it was some kind of ornament at first.

Unknown said...

That is so amazing. You do the neatest effects with your camera etc.