
Dogwood in Watercolor

I received this dogwood about seven years ago, for Mother's day. I wanted only this particular one, spotted at the local nursery one day as I browsed the perennials.

Between the time I fell in love and the moment that I persuaded dear husband that this was the only gift that would make me happy, I would visit the tree at the nursery and tell it that I was coming back for it. I was somewhat anxious that someone else would buy it, but convinced myself that could not happen since we were clearly meant for each other.

It was quite a planting effort, all four of us, okay mostly dear husband, digging a big hole in the ground. And here it is all these years later, a testimony to my dear family that loves a woman who falls in love with, and even talks to, trees.


Sandie said...

I love dogwoods too. YOu do have a wonderful family!

SUSAN said...

I have only seen white dogwoods. It's a gorgeous tree! I see why you fell in love with it.


MaryD said...

This is lovely, and the perspective from which you took the photo is very nice.