
This is our little side yard. It contains my beloved bench, dogwood tree, and stump. Yes, stump. I found this treasure left by the curb one day on ds' paper route. I asked him to put it in the car for me. My family thought I was crazy, until one spring day when I planted flowers in it -- brilliant! Here's a close up of beloved stump.


Sandie said...

I have a couple stumps on the property that I have hollowed out and use as planters. One has a bannana tree growing out of it. They are fun and prettier than pots!

SUSAN said...

I saw a stump at a catholic retreat center that had been made into a little chair. They left about a third of the stump higher than the rest--if you can imagine--and it was really a cool place to sit. That stump has character!! Your little side yard looks cozy.


LauraLiz said...

Very nice photo!

Anonymous said...

Your side yard is lovely! I love the idea of planting flowers in a stump! Now I'm going to be on the lookout for my own!